Monday, November 14, 2022

Happy 51st birthday to me!!


I am 51 today, and I am the most settled in my purpose, my bearing and my quest of life than I have ever been. And as I reflect on this moment, the one resonance I perceive within is I am living my destiny because of the covenant of God on my life. I have made mistakes and been in precarious situations, yet somehow I always come out stronger and winning. And it simply is because I am covenanted to God. I know it, I celebrate it, I submit to it and I dont need it validated by the world.

At 51 I am doing a career change, fully owning the legacy of my father and mother, and crafting my own destiny. I am a visionary daring to live my truth in Christ. The raw cut rehearsal of "Song of Destiny" completely captures how I feel.


My heart is worship. It is my core and my essence. In the middle of the covid quarantine, I used my Samsung Galaxy 9+ to record a worship medley in my room and did all the vocals. I find myself listening to this song over and over today.

Thank you to everyone who has given of themselves to me. I am humbled and honored by your love and devotion. And to those who have used their intimacy to attempt to betray, I bless you. Just like Jesus died and rose while Judas demised, I have died and risen in Christ...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for everything.... 

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