Friday, December 31, 2021

Set N Ready! 2022 let's go!

This image captures my trajectory for 2022. 
A good friend of mine and I (my sponsor and bfam) used to joke about how we all have our basements harboring the decadent horrors of our lives. And it is always under lock and key. And in one of those full moon moments, we sneak into our basement, pacify the raging beast, and sneak back upstairs to the gloriously facetious living room in all its opulence.
And I would joke about kicking down my basement doors, and bringing Him into my basement cos I'm so tired of the sweet sanitized living room and dinning room charades.
Glowing in the freedom mindset of being 50, and empowered to fearlessly live my life, I was inspired by the latter part of Psalm 23. Yes, in the presence of my haters, he set a full table of the choicest of fares for me. But we are not in the living room. We are dinning in my basement. He set this glorious table in the presence of my ghouls and ogres. I know them well, He knows of them. So shuu, I'm living my free and best life kicking the basement doors wide open. Don't come to my address, cos I'm not hosting in the fake living room. We dinning in the basement. Your phobia and bias with my ghouls are strictly yours to process and resolve. Im sure you will figure it out 😃😃😃😃.

Happy 2022! Happy New Year!!!

1 comment:

  1. Nice....just because life is full of drama doesn't mean we should be the audience all the time....


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